Thursday, July 2, 2009

A new beginning

When 'A' was 7, I got married and pregnant a month after. That summer, we tried weaning her off of meds and putting her on a supplement that many found success with. I wasn't finding great success but I really wanted to. It was a loooong summer. My morning sickness set in and I spent a lot of time in bed or in the bathroom. 'A' was even more miserable...angry, running away daily, on edge, threatening other children and almost climbing walls.

I realized that she wouldn't be able to function in school if I didn't take her back to the psychiatrist. She saw a new one that I really liked and who seemed to really know her schtuff. She was a mother, empathetic and actually listened to us. She saw 'A' for 5 mins. and told me that she'll end up getting kicked out of school if she didn't get on a good medication.

I also took her to an alternative medicine doctor in hopes that he'd fill in the missing pieces. They did a series of tests that are not done in "normal" doctors offices and even did an expensive neurotransmitters test. They found some deficiencies, one important and significant one was seratonin which is responsible for mood--mainly depression. They also found that she is high in aluminum. I wasn't too surprised by this because shots are being preseved with almuminum now. Research has found that aluminum is responsible for many brain disorders and malfunctions and although I used a delayed schedule, she was fully immunized.

We started her on meds and saw an improvement but things weren't "perfect"...but what IS perfect? I would love to go back now to where we were then!!!

Towards the end of my pregnancy, we strangely started house shopping because we had a buyer of our house-'A's' dad. Odd but we jumped on it because of this terrible housing market. So, 4 days before my due date, we moved. 'A' transitioned very well into her new home, new school, and position of big sister. I had to be induced when I was week overdue and 'A' became a big sister to a 9lb 2oz baby sister. She was VERY happy and a great help!

'A's' academics improved greatly in the new school, she quickly made new friends, and things seemed to be going very well for her.

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