Friday, October 2, 2009

She came back....

It was like night and day and from the depths of darkness, misery and true desparation, my beautiful lotus flower emerged. I have always liked the significance of the lotus flower in various cultures and shortly after she was diagnosed with bp, I got a lotus tattoo on my back with 'A's name.

Just when I thought my family couldn't endure any more, it came to me that I let 'A's' supplements run out, thinking that they weren't doing any good. So, I reintroduced her supplements and within 2 days, she was a different child. I got my happy and sweet baby back! She was affectionate, loving, sweet...she was 'A'!!!

I was so afraid to exhale for fear that it wouldn't last. I still slept with one eye open and was more than anxious. Everyone was afraid to even mention how much better things were for fear that we would jinx things.

Things did turn around BUT they didn't go back to our darkest moments. Intensive therapy, meds, supplements, routine, horseback riding, her understanding of her condition and unconditional love has helped tremendously. I don't think the supplements alone were enough nor were the medications but together...what a difference they make together!!!! I do sleep better now and I'm probably still trying to make up for my many sleepless nights. We're not 100% stable but I doubt if we will ever's all relative anyway, right?

So many lessons have been learned through this unending voyage of life. My biggest lesson learned is to never, never ever take things for granted and to acknowledge and be appreciative of little things.

I believe in positive thought and energy and have no doubt that this has contributed to our wellness and "stability". Thank you for all that have prayed and sent your positive energy our way. I say "our" because my whole family and friends have felt 'A's' pain and have endured it with her. Now, I'm just fighting her father for her stability. He still remains in denial of her diagnosis and treatment and has taken me to court to get custody of her. I just had pretrial 1 of ????? I look forward to the day when all of this is behind us and I can quiet my mind knowing that I no longer have to fight in this battle. Please continue to send positive thoughts our way.

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